The process of casting solidification is complex in nature and the simulation of such process is required in industry before it isactually undertaken. The defects like shrinkage cavity, porosity, and sink can be minimized by designing an appropriate feedingsystem to ensure directional solidification in the casting, leading to feeders. Major parameters of a feeding system include: feederlocation, feeder shape and size and feed aids. In this study, the component suffered from shrinkage porosity defect leading topremature failure. It also was subjected to incomplete fill due to sudden variation in thickness. Hence, it was necessary toredesign and redevelop the component. Component geometry has been modified without affecting its functionality by providingsufficient draft and radius at the junction. In this paper, an attempt has been made to carry out the entire methoding, simulationand optimization in AutoCAST X software which is based on Vector Gradient Method (VGM). All the design parameters havebeen set properly in numerical simulation software so that entire shrinkage porosity should get shifted in the feeder. This attempthas shown significant improvement in the quality of casting by optimizing the location and design of feeder for defectminimization. The simulation results were found to be in good agreement, when compared with the experimental trial.