三、安装说明(一)安装前的准备工作 锅炉运到使用现场后,必须做好安装前的准备工作。 1.组织有关人员学习资料 组织有关人员熟悉《锅炉安全技术的英语翻译

三、安装说明(一)安装前的准备工作 锅炉运到使用现场后,必须做好安装前

三、安装说明(一)安装前的准备工作 锅炉运到使用现场后,必须做好安装前的准备工作。 1.组织有关人员学习资料 组织有关人员熟悉《锅炉安全技术监察规程》,锅炉图纸安装使用说明书及《锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范》等技术文件,以了解和掌握安装、起吊运行等操作事项。2.确定安装地点(1)安装地点最好能接近用汽地点,目的在于缩短输汽管路,节省基建费用,减少管路上的散热损失。(2)给水和排水方便(3)燃烧和灰渣的存放和运输方便(4)锅炉安装及检修时的通道(5)锅炉房的布置应符合《锅炉安全技术监察规程》有关锅炉房的规定要求,要有足够的操作空间,光线充足明亮,有良好的通风,地平不应积水,锅炉四周要有足够的余地,供运行操作及维修用。3.地基准备锅炉应放在坚固的水泥地上,按地基图由土建部门根据锅炉的尺寸要求施工,保证锅炉就位运行后,地基不产生下沉、位移等弊病,所有螺栓孔均采用预留孔方案,以便整装时进行调整。4.清点检查卸车等工作(1)锅炉本体在卸车时根据制造厂的出厂清单进行零部件清点检查等工作,同时检查锅炉本体在运输途中是否有损坏、变形等情况。(2)锅炉本体在卸车时,可在底座两侧铁板下布置8~10根管子,用钢丝绳拉动,让锅炉本体在滚动的管子上微微滚动,应注意安放钢丝绳的位置,不要损坏锅炉本体及零件。(3)锅炉本体如需要起吊,应根据锅炉本体重量准备起吊工具,可在炉顶两个吊耳进行起吊,夹角应小于120°,切忌任意在其他位置上起吊。 (二)锅炉本体的安装 锅炉本体运到安装地点后,将锅炉置于地基就位,并校核锅炉中心线和轮廓线是否与地基上现出的锅炉中心线和轮廓线相符合,检查底座和地基的接触是否良好,如有空隙应加以垫铁,其余间隙处待锅炉校平后灌水泥浆。快装锅炉底座的纵轴线系一斜面,当锅炉平放在水平的地基上时,锅炉已有一定的倾斜度,锅筒轴向中心线前端约25mm,以利排污。 (三)烟风道、省煤器及风机的安装 根据锅炉烟风道安装图进行该项目的安装。先竖好支架,然后吊装省煤器。鼓风机、引风机、除尘器根据锅炉房面积可布置在室内或室外,室内安装时为减少噪音,可考虑加装消音器,室外安装时应增设防雨设施,烟风道安装时各法兰面接合面应垫石棉绳(垫),以防漏风。烟风道和省煤器安装完毕后,须对烟道作漏风检查(可用烛火靠近接合处看烛火有否偏斜),若发现有漏风,应用石棉绳嵌密。省煤器应加设循环管与水箱连接,以便锅炉有一个适应负荷变化的调节手段,保证省煤器连续进水。风机安装后要进行冷态试车,检查烟风闸板启闭是否灵活,定位是否可靠,风机转向是否正确,运转时有无摩擦或震动现象(震动不得小于0.1毫米),电机和轴承温升是否正常(一般温升不得高于自然空气的40℃),引风机冷态试连续运转每次不得超过5分钟。 (四)烟囱的安装1.烟囱安装时法兰面应垫石棉绳,并应用吊重线的方法检查烟囱的垂直度,如有偏差可在法兰连接处垫平校正。2.铅丝绳用花兰螺栓拉紧,注意三根拉丝绳的张紧度应大致相同并要避免通过电线等障碍物。(五)管道、阀门、仪表及附件的安装 1.电动泵基础由使用单位在本厂锅炉基础图上标出,可按泵厂技术资料规定制备。2.安全阀门在锅炉水压试验后安装,排汽处应接装排汽管,排汽管应尽量直通室外,并有足够的截面积,保证排汽畅通,安全阀门的装置应符合《锅炉安全技术监察规程》的要求。3.排污管道接至排污箱或其他安全之处,管道应固定,以防排污时移位或发生反击,烫伤等事故。排污管道必须满足《锅炉安全技术监察规程》的规定。4.主汽阀外管道上至少应有一个弯头,否则应加装伸缩管。5.压力表应装在明亮处,盘上应以红线标出锅炉的工作压力。压力表弯管严禁保温,压力表装置应满足《锅炉安全技术监察规程》的要求。6.水位表按图纸要求进行装配,防止泄漏,并用红线标出最高、正常、最低水位线刻痕,水位表装置应符合《锅炉安全技术监察规程》的要求。7.其余管道、阀门、仪表可按有关图纸进行安装。(六)试压锅炉本体及管道阀门、仪表全部安装完毕后,应进行一次水压试验及验证有否泄漏之处,具体方法见本书受压元件的检验和水压试验。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Third, the installation instructions <br>(a) pre-installation preparation <br>boiler be shipped to the site, you must do the preparatory work before installation. <br>1. Organize relevant personnel to learn information <br>about the people in your organization familiar with the "Boiler Safety Technology Supervision", the boiler installation instructions and drawings "boiler installation engineering construction and acceptance" and other technical documents in order to understand and master the installation, lifting operation and other operational considerations. <br>2. A mounting position <br>(1) close to the installation site is best to place steam, steam input object is to shorten the line, saving capital cost, reduce heat loss pipe. <br>(2) facilitate drainage and water supply <br>(3) and the combustion ash convenient storage and transport <br>(4) when the boiler installation and maintenance channel <br>(5) arranged in the boiler room should comply "Boiler Safety Technology Supervision" related to the boiler room requirements, there must be sufficient room for maneuver, bright and well-lit, well ventilated, horizon should not be stagnant water, surrounded boilers have enough room for operation and maintenance to run with. <br>3. Ground preparation <br>boiler should be placed on a solid concrete floor, according to FIG foundation by the civil sector depending on the size requirements of the construction of the boiler, the boiler in place to ensure the operation, no ground subsidence, displacement and other ills, bolt holes are made all reserved programs hole in order to adjust them when ready. <br>4. Unloading inventory check, etc. <br>(1) boiler body parts carried out an inventory check list and so on according to the manufacturer's factory at the time of unloading, also check whether there has been damage to the boiler, deformation in transit. <br>(2) when the unloading boiler body, may be disposed at both sides of the iron plate of the base 8 to 10 tubes, pulling the wire rope, so that the boiler body slightly rolling on the rolling tube, placed should be noted that the position of the wire rope, not to damage the boiler and body parts. <br>(3) if necessary lifting boiler body, should be prepared in accordance with the boiler body weight lifting tool, the roof may be two lifting lugs, the angle should be less than 120 °, avoid any lifting in other positions. <br>Installation (ii) the boiler body<br>Boiler transported to the installation site, the foundation will be placed in the boiler in place, and checking whether the contour line and the center line of the boiler on the boiler foundation exhibited centerline and contour conform to check the foundation base and the contact is good, if the horn should be void, the remaining gap irrigation mud after leveling the boiler. <br>Packaged boiler base line is a longitudinal ramp, when the boiler on a horizontal foundation, the boiler has a certain inclination, the front end of the axial centerline of the drum about 25mm, in order to facilitate discharge. <br>(C) the tobacco duct, and fan mounting economizer <br>mounting FIG install the item in accordance boiler smoke duct. Well first vertical bracket and lifting economizer. Blower, Fan, according to the filter area can be boiler room disposed at indoor or outdoor, indoor installation in order to reduce noise, consider the installation of the muffler, rain additional facilities should be installed outdoors, when the smoke duct mounting flange of each contact occlusal surface should pad asbestos rope (mat), to prevent air leakage. After the smoke duct and the economizer installed shall flue check for leakage (available near the candle the candle to see whether the joint deflection). If there is leakage, application of asbestos rope embedded secret. Economizer should be added to the circulation pipe connecting the water tank to a boiler has means of regulation to adapt to load changes, to ensure continuous feeding economizer. The fan is installed to be cold test, check whether flexible Flue shutter opening and closing, reliability of positioning, the fan rotation is correct, the presence or absence of friction or vibration phenomena (vibration not less than 0.1 mm) is in operation, the motor bearing temperature and whether normal (generally not higher than the natural temperature of the air 40 ℃), cold draft fan continuous operation test each no more than 5 minutes. <br>(Iv) mounting the stack <br>1. When chimney mounting flange should pad asbestos rope, and applying a weight hanging line inspection method of a vertical chimney, if the deviation can be corrected at the pad level flanged connections. <br>2. Lead rope tensioning bolts with turnbuckle, La Sisheng three note should be substantially the same degree of tension by a wire and the like to avoid an obstacle. <br>(V) installation of pipes, valves, instruments and accessories <br>1. The electric pump based on the factory designated by the use of the boiler unit of FIG base, prepared according to predetermined data pump plant technology.<br>2. After the test pressure relief valve boiler installation, the exhaust shall tipping exhaust pipe, exhaust pipe should be as straight outside, and there is sufficient cross-sectional area to ensure the smooth flow of exhaust, the valve shall comply with the safety device "Boiler Safety Technology requirements supervision "of. <br>3. Sewage pipe connected to the sewage tank or other security, the piping should be fixed, or to prevent the occurrence of the shift counter, burns and other accidents blowdown. Sewage pipes must meet the requirements "Boiler Safety Technology Supervision" of. <br>4. Main steam pipes shall have an outer valve least one bend, or should be installed telescopic tube. <br>5. Gauge should be installed in a bright place, indicated by a red line on the disk should the operating pressure of the boiler. Pressure gauge elbow forbidden insulation, pressure gauge device shall meet the requirements of "Boiler Safety Technology Supervision" of. <br>6. Water table by drawing assembly to prevent leakage, and the red line marked by the highest normal water level of the lowest score lines, water level meter device should meet the requirements of "Boiler Safety Technology Supervision" of. <br>7. Remaining piping, valves, instrumentation installation according to the relevant drawings. <br>(F) pressure test <br>boiler pipes and valves, the instrument fully installed, should be conducted at a pressure test and verify whether there is a leak, the specific methods, see the book inspection and hydrostatic test pressure element.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Third, installation instructions<br>(i) Pre-installation preparation<br> After the boiler is shipped to the site of use, it must be ready for installation.<br> 1. Organization of relevant personnel to learn materials<br> Organization of relevant personnel familiar with the "boiler safety technical supervision procedures", boiler drawings installation instructions and "boiler installation engineering construction and acceptance specifications" and other technical documents, to understand and master the installation, lifting operation and other operational matters.<br>2. Determine where to install<br>(1) The installation site is best able to access the steam site, the purpose is to shorten the transmission line, save infrastructure costs, reduce the loss of heat on the pipeline.<br>(2) Water supply and drainage convenience<br>(3) Easy storage and transportation of combustion and ash slag<br>(4) Passages for boiler installation and overhaul<br>(5) Boiler room layout should comply with the "boiler safety technical supervision procedures" on the boiler room requirements, to have sufficient operating space, light is sufficient bright, good ventilation, ground level should not be water, boiler around there should be enough room for operation and maintenance.<br>3. Foundation preparation<br>Boiler should be placed on solid cement floor, according to the foundation map by the civil engineering department according to the size of the boiler requirements construction, to ensure that the boiler in place operation, the foundation does not produce subsidence, displacement and other ills, all bolt holes are reserved hole scheme, in order to adjust the assembly.<br>4. Inventory inspection unloading and other work<br>(1) The boiler body is inspected for parts inventory according to the factory list of the manufacturing plant when unloading the vehicle, and at the same time checks whether the boiler body is damaged or deformed in transit.<br>(2) When the boiler body is unloaded, it can lay 8 to 10 tubes under the iron plate on both sides of the base, pull with a wire rope, so that the boiler body can be slightly rolled on the rolling tube, should pay attention to the position of placing the wire rope, not to damage the boiler body and parts.<br>(3) Boiler body if the need to lift, should be based on the body weight of the boiler to prepare lifting tools, can be in the top of the furnace two lifting ears, angle should be less than 120 degrees, avoid any lifting in other positions.<br> (ii) Installation of the boiler body<br> After the boiler body is transported to the installation site, the boiler is placed in place on the foundation, and whether the core line and contour of the check ingress boiler are in line with the boiler center line and contour line that appear on the foundation, check whether the contact between the base and the foundation is good, if there is a gap should be padded iron, the rest of the gap to be laid after the boiler leveling water slurry.<br>The vertical axis of the fast-loading boiler base is sloping, when the boiler is flat on the horizontal foundation, the boiler has a certain tilt, the shaft of the pan to the center line front of about 25mm, in order to benefit sewage.<br> (iii) Installation of fluoroeducts, coal-saving coal-saving and fan-saving<br> The installation of the project is carried out according to the boiler fluduct einot installation drawing. First erect the bracket, then lift the coal-saving. Blowers, blowers, dust removers according to the boiler room area can be arranged indoor or outdoor, indoor installation in order to reduce noise, can be considered for the installation of silencers, outdoor installation should be added rain-proof facilities, flue airducte installation of the flange joint surface should be padasbestostic rope (pad), to prevent leakage. After the installation of the flue and coal-saving coal-saving spouts, the flue should be screened (the candle fire can be used close to the joint to see if the candle fire is skewed), and if a leak is found, the asbestos rope should be inserted. The coal-saving coal-saving device should be connected with the water tank with a circulation tube, so that the boiler has a means of adjusting to the load change, to ensure that the coal-saving coal continuous water intake. After the installation of the fan to carry out a cold test, check whether the smoke gate opening and closing is flexible, positioning is reliable, fan steering is correct, There is no friction or vibration phenomenon (vibration shall not be less than 0.1 mm), motor and bearing temperature rise is normal (general temperature rise shall not be higher than the natural air of 40 degrees C), the fan cooling test continuous operation should not exceed 5 minutes at a time.<br> (4) Installation of chimneys<br>1. The flange surface should be cushioned with asbestos rope when the chimney is installed, and the verticality of the chimney should be checked by means of a lifting wire, and if there is a deviation, the flat correction can be placed at the flange connection.<br>2. Lead wire rope with orchid bolts to tighten, note that the three wire rope tension should be about the same and to avoid through the wire and other obstacles.<br>(v) Installation of pipes, valves, instruments and accessories<br> 1. The electric pump foundation shall be marked by the unit of use on the boiler base map of the factory and may be prepared according to the technical data of the pump plant.<br>2. Safety valve sprigs installed after boiler hydraulic test, the exhaust gas should be installed at the exhaust gas pipe, the exhaust pipe should try to pass through the outdoor, and have enough cut-off area to ensure the smooth flow of exhaust gas, the safety valve device should comply with the requirements of the Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Procedure.<br>3. Sewage pipe stoducts to sewage boxes or other safe places, pipes should be fixed to prevent sewage time shift or counter-attack, burns and other accidents. Sewage pipes must meet the provisions of the Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Procedure.<br>4. There should be at least one elbow on the pipe outside the main valve, otherwise a telescopic tube should be added.<br>5. The pressure gauge should be installed in a bright place and the working pressure of the boiler should be marked with a red line on the plate. Pressure gauge elbows are strictly prohibited to keep warm, pressure gauge device should meet the requirements of the Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Procedure.<br>6. The water level meter shall be assembled according to the drawing requirements to prevent leakage, and the highest, normal and lowest water mark marks shall be marked with red lines, and the water level meter device shall comply with the requirements of the Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Procedure.<br>7. The remaining pipes, valves and gauges can be installed according to the relevant drawings.<br>(6) Test pressure<br>After the boiler body and pipe valves and instruments are all installed, a water pressure test should be carried out and there is any leakage, the specific method is shown in the inspection of the pressurized elements in this book and the water pressure test.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
III. installation instructions<br>(I) preparation before installation<br>After the boiler is transported to the use site, it must be well prepared before installation.<br>1. Organize relevant personnel to learn materials<br>Organize relevant personnel to be familiar with technical documents such as boiler safety technical supervision regulations, boiler drawing installation and operation instructions, and boiler installation engineering construction and acceptance specifications, so as to understand and master installation, lifting operation and other operation matters.<br>2. Determine the installation site<br>(1) the installation site should be close to the steam consumption site, so as to shorten the steam transmission pipeline, save the capital construction cost and reduce the heat loss on the pipeline.<br>(2) convenient water supply and drainage<br>(3) convenient storage and transportation of combustion and ash<br>(4) channels for boiler installation and maintenance<br>(5) the layout of the boiler room shall comply with the requirements of the boiler room in the boiler safety technical supervision regulation, and there shall be sufficient operation space, bright light, good ventilation, no water accumulation at the ground level, and enough space around the boiler for operation, operation and maintenance.<br>3. Foundation preparation<br>The boiler shall be placed on a solid cement ground. According to the foundation drawing, the civil engineering department shall construct according to the size requirements of the boiler. After the boiler is put in place and operated, the foundation will not suffer from sinking, displacement and other defects. All bolt holes shall be reserved for adjustment during the whole assembly.<br>4. Check and unload<br>(1) when unloading the boiler body, check the parts according to the factory list of the manufacturer, and check whether the boiler body is damaged or deformed during transportation.<br>(2) when unloading the boiler body, 8-10 pipes can be arranged under the iron plates on both sides of the base, pulled by the steel wire rope, so that the boiler body rolls slightly on the rolling pipes. Pay attention to the position of the steel wire rope, and do not damage the boiler body and parts.<br>(3) if the boiler body needs to be lifted, the lifting tools shall be prepared according to the weight of the boiler body, which can be lifted by two lifting lugs on the top of the boiler, and the included angle shall be less than 120 °. It is forbidden to lift at any other position.<br>(II) installation of boiler body<br>After the boiler body is transported to the installation site, put the boiler in place on the foundation, check whether the boiler center line and contour line are consistent with the boiler center line and contour line on the foundation, check whether the contact between the base and the foundation is good, if there is a gap, iron pad shall be applied, and the rest of the gap shall be filled with mud after the boiler is leveled.<br>The vertical axis line of the quick installed boiler base is an inclined plane. When the boiler is placed on the horizontal foundation, the boiler has a certain inclination, and the front end of the axial center line of the drum is about 25 mm, so as to facilitate blowdown.<br>(III) installation of flue gas duct, economizer and fan<br>Install the project according to the installation drawing of boiler flue gas and air duct. First erect the support, and then lift the economizer. The air blower, induced draft fan and dust remover can be arranged indoors or outdoors according to the area of the boiler room. In order to reduce the noise during the indoor installation, the silencer can be added. The rainproof facilities shall be added during the outdoor installation. Asbestos rope (PAD) shall be padded on the joint surface of each flange surface during the installation of the smoke and air duct to prevent air leakage. After the installation of the flue gas duct and economizer, the flue shall be checked for air leakage (the candle can be close to the joint to see whether the candle is skewed). If any air leakage is found, it shall be embedded with asbestos rope. The economizer shall be equipped with a circulating pipe to connect with the water tank, so that the boiler has a regulating means to adapt to the load change and ensure the continuous water inflow of the economizer. After the fan is installed, cold test run shall be carried out to check whether the opening and closing of smoke and air RAM are flexible, whether the positioning is reliable, whether the fan direction is correct, whether there is friction or vibration (vibration shall not be less than 0.1mm), whether the temperature rise of motor and bearing is normal (generally, the temperature rise shall not be higher than 40 ℃ of natural air), and the cold test run of induced draft fan shall not exceed 5 minutes each time.<br>(IV) chimney installation<br>1. When installing the chimney, the flange surface shall be padded with asbestos rope, and the verticality of the chimney shall be checked by the method of lifting line. If there is any deviation, it can be leveled and corrected at the flange connection.<br>2. The lead wire rope shall be tightened with the turnbuckle bolt. Pay attention that the tension of the three wire ropes shall be approximately the same and avoid passing through the wire and other obstacles.<br>(V) installation of pipes, valves, instruments and accessories<br>1. The foundation of the electric pump shall be marked by the user on the boiler foundation drawing of the plant, and can be prepared according to the technical data of the pump plant.<br>2. The safety valve shall be installed after the boiler water pressure test, and the exhaust pipe shall be connected to the exhaust pipe. The exhaust pipe shall be directly connected to the outdoor as far as possible, and have enough sectional area to ensure the smooth exhaust. The device of the safety valve shall meet the requirements of the boiler safety technology supervision regulation.<br>3. When the blowdown pipe is connected to the blowdown tank or other safe places, the pipe shall be fixed to prevent displacement or counterattack, scald and other accidents during blowdown. The blowdown pipeline must meet the requirements of the supervision regulation of boiler safety technology.<br>4. There shall be at least one elbow on the pipeline outside the main steam valve, otherwise expansion pipe shall be added.<br>5. The pressure gauge shall be installed in a bright place, and the working pressure of the boiler shall be marked with a red line on the panel. It is strictly prohibited to heat the elbow of pressure gauge, and the pressure gauge device shall meet the requirements of Supervision Regulation on boiler safety technology.<br>6. The water level gauge shall be assembled according to the requirements of the drawings to prevent leakage, and the highest, normal and lowest water level lines shall be marked with red lines. The water level gauge device shall meet the requirements of boiler safety technical supervision regulation.<br>7. Other pipes, valves and instruments can be installed according to relevant drawings.<br>(VI) pressure test<br>After the boiler body, pipeline valves and instruments are all installed, a water pressure test shall be carried out to verify whether there is leakage. See the inspection and water pressure test of pressure components in this book for specific methods.<br>
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