The other issue is how to recognize debris-flowcomponent of a stratified flow (i.e., ‘high-density turbidity current’) in the rock record when there aretwo types of debris flows. The common type is adensity-unified debris flow with plastic rheology andlaminar state that freezes during deposition causingsharp upper contacts, rafted clasts, floating quartzgranules, planar and random clast fabric, inversegrading, basal shear zone, etc. The other type is adensity-stratified ‘high-density turbidity current’ inwhich the style of deposition can lead to a highlyconcentrated, sheared sediment-water mixture nearthe bottom (i.e., traction carpet) that also possessesrheological and dynamical properties of a debrisflow, which also produces sharp upper contacts,planar fabric, rafted clasts, etc