Banbury CleanersCleaners must be run through a Banbury under the following circumstances : 1. Before and after running butyl or halobutyl compounds. 2. Before and after EPDM, Chemigum, Neoprene or any other polymer that could con- taminate or be incompatible with NR, SBR, and PBD. 3. For non-compatible high performance passenger tread stock containing up to 20 PHR halobutyl, the following rules apply: o A cleaner before the run is not necessary if the run follows a run of compatible synthetic passenger tread or sidewall stock. o A cleaner after the run is not necessary if the run is followed by a compatible synthetic passenger tread stock or a flap stock. 4. After oil-black Nps which are staining and being followed by a nonstaining compound. 5. Before non-productives if they follow a productive run. 6. When the oil hopper or carbon black system is cleaned or emptied. 7. After the cleaning the ram and throat area prior to running WIRE COAT PRODUCTIVE.