In our study we have shown that subjects with bronchiectasis presentparticular inflammatory characteristics when divided into differentinflammatory phenotypes according to the percentage of inflammatorycells in induced sputum. The presence of significant neutrophilic inflammation(i.e. in the neutrophilic and mixed phenotype) is mainlyrelated to greater bronchial destruction in HRCT and higher levels of IL-8 in the sputum supernatant, while a higher neutrophil count was relatedto lower bronchodilator reversibility. Furthermore, the presenceof a high percentage of sputum eosinophils (i.e. the eosinophilic andmixed phenotype) is characterized by a greater bronchodilator reversibilityand higher FeNO levels and IL-13 levels in the sputum supernatant.We have also shown that chronic colonization with P. aeruginosawas associated with greater neutrophilic inflammation and higher levelsof IL-8 in the sputum supernatant.