

我们已经收到货物。部分货物的外包装损坏严重,有大量破损问题,许多纸箱内的螺丝套件四处散落。随邮件有一份图片,可以参考。我们认为货物损坏是纸箱硬度不够且在运输过程中受潮所致。我们建议更换包装,为避免后续的订单再次出现货物损坏、造成损失,Jason先生联系了永利公司的业务员Tony Xu,要求更改包装。Jason要求今后所有的出货,货物的外包装全部改用木箱,内包装可以继续采用原来的纸盒,但每盒只能装500g,每50盒装1木箱。以及最后,想知道产品的报价是否有影响。
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目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
We have received the goods. The outer packaging of some goods was seriously damaged, and there were a lot of damage problems. Many screw kits in the carton were scattered everywhere. There is a picture attached to the mail for reference. <BR>We believe that the damage to the goods is caused by insufficient rigidity of the cartons and moisture during transportation. We recommend to change the packaging. To avoid damage to the goods and loss in subsequent orders, Mr. Jason contacted Tony Xu, a salesperson of Wynn Company, and asked to change the packaging. Jason requires all future shipments to use wooden boxes for the outer packaging of the goods. The inner packaging can continue to use the original carton, but each box can only hold 500g, and every 50 boxes can be packed in 1 wooden box. <BR><BR>And finally, I would like to know whether the price of the product has an impact.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
We have received the goods. The outer packaging of some of the goods was badly damaged and there were a number of broken problems, with screw kits scattered through many cartons. There is a picture with the message, which can be referenced.<BR>We believe that the damage to the goods was caused by insufficient hardness of the cartons and moisture during transport. We recommend changing the packaging and, in order to avoid future orders for damage and loss, Mr. Jason contacted Tony Xu, a Wynn salesman, to request a change in packaging. Jason requires all future shipments, all the outer packaging of the goods to use wooden boxes, the inner packaging can continue to use the original cartons, but each box can only be packed 500g, each 50 boxes of 1 wooden box.<BR><BR>And finally, wonder if the product's offer has an impact.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
We have received the goods. The outer packing of some goods was seriously damaged, there were a lot of damage problems, and many screw sets were scattered in the cartons. A picture is attached to the email for your reference.<BR>We believe that the damage to the goods is due to insufficient hardness of cartons and dampness during transportation. In order to avoid further damage caused by the change of packing order, Mr. Jason and Mr. Yong Li suggested to contact our company. Jason required that all the goods to be shipped in the future should be packed in wooden cases instead of the original cartons, but each box can only contain 500g, and each 50 boxes can be packed in 1 wooden case.<BR>And finally, want to know whether the quotation of the product has an impact.<BR>
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