Direct cost: civil construction cost A=1.95 million yuan, <BR>equipment and material cost B=1.68 million yuan <BR>A+B=3.63 million yuan <BR>indirect cost: scheme fee: direct engineering investment cost × 1%=36,300 yuan design fee: direct engineering investment cost × 8% = 290,400 yuan, transportation and installation construction costs: direct engineering investment costs × 15% = 544,500 yuan commissioning technical service fees: direct engineering investment costs × 2% = 72,600 yuan completion inspection fees: direct engineering investment costs × 2% = The total indirect cost of 72,600 yuan is: 1.02 million yuan. <BR>Management cost: (direct project investment cost + indirect cost) × 5% = 232,500 yuan Tax and charge: (direct project investment cost + indirect cost) × 5% = 232,500 yuan project Total investment: 5.12 million yuan