The first view is undesirable, on the grounds that the requirement that all individual accomplices establish a criminal suspension must meet the condition sought to effectively prevent the occurrence of the entire common crime outcome, and that it is clear that the same demands are made on accomplices who are in different positions and play different roles in the common crime, which is in fact disregarding the characteristics of the accomplice and the fact that the accessory to the establishment of the crime suspension is relatively weak, unjustly raising the conditions for the suspension of the crime, and that the obvious negative impact is to suppress the suspension of the establishment of the crime, This ultimately affects the purpose of criminal legislation to encourage the suspension of crime. If the first view goes to one extreme in terms of validity conditions, then the second point of view goes to the other extreme and is therefore undesirable. The reason is that all individual accomplices, irrespective of their position in the joint crime and the difference in their role in the outcome of the joint crime, shall be given the condition of the suspension of the establishment of the crime, although the suspension of the established offence has been relaxed, but at the same time the conditions are relaxed for the main offender. After all, the main offender's behavior is the decisive cause of the result of the common crime, therefore, the principal criminal establishment of the suspension of crime, in order to effectively prevent the occurrence of the common crime results as a necessary condition, reasonable and reasonable. In contrast, the third view has merit, since it has noted that the conditions for the validity of the suspension of the establishment of a crime should be treated differently in the joint offence, depending on the principal, the subordinate status and role. The third point, however, is that the conditions for an accessory to establish a suspension are too relaxed. On the basis of the third viewpoint, the author puts forward the fourth view, that is, in the joint crime, the principal offender's suspension of the establishment of a crime must take the validity as the necessary condition, and the suspension of the crime of the accomplice shall take the validity as the reference condition. The reason is that, although the accomplice's status and status in the joint crime determine smaller capacity to establish a joint crime, this weakness is often limited to the course of the commission of organized joint crimes, such as group crime, and it is not impossible for the accomplice to take positive measures to effectively prevent the co-offender severance in the case of the crime before and after the implementation of the crime, as well as in the case of simple co-crime. Kim Hyun. On the Suspension of Crime in Joint Crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Therefore, the suspension of the accomplice can be divided into two kinds of situations for the occurrence of the common crime result, that is, effective suspension and invalid suspension. Effective suspension when an accessorised person takes measures to effectively prevent the occurrence of a common crime outcome, or when an accessory measure fails to effectively prevent the outcome of a common crime. Then, how to distinguish between effective and invalid suspension in sentencing, article 24 of the Criminal Law stipulates: "If the suspension has not caused any damage, the punishment shall be waived; "Effective and invalid suspensions can therefore be consistent with legislation and can be treated differently in sentencing." It can be seen that the establishment of the principal offender's establishment of the suspension of the crime is necessary condition, the crime of the establishment of the suspension of the crime to the validity as a reference for the view, is to focus on the main, accomplice in the common crime of the difference in the status and role of the criminal law, in line with the criminal law principle of considerable guilt, fully embodies the legislative purpose of encouraging the suspension of the crime, its practical significance is obvious.