Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether we should clonehumans.Cure some serious diseases which can't be cured at present and save lives.It can make the world more interesting and give people more pleasure.Another advantage is that it can make a breakthrough int he developmentof economy. Besides, we can clone some famous scientists and let themundertake some exact research work so that they can do more things forhumans.On the other hand, 65 percent of the students think it is a moralQuestion to clone humans. Each of us differs while a cloned person isMerely a copy. From time to time, cloning might bring back to lifeCreatures that might harm us.In my opinion/view, whether cloning humans is right or not is difficultTo say right now. Perhaps we will just have to wait and see.Tencent VideoOn the one hand, 35% of the students think using clone, doctors can