

源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Leakage emergency treatment: quickly evacuate personnel from the leaked contaminated area to a safe area, isolate them, and strictly restrict access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure respirators and wear anti-virus suits. Cut off the source of leakage as much as possible. Prevent entry into restricted spaces such as sewers and flood drains. Small leakage: absorb with sand, vermiculite or other inert materials. It can also be washed with a lot of water, and the washing water is diluted and put into the waste water system. A large number of leaks: construct dikes or dig pits for storage. Spray water cools and dilutes steam, protects on-site personnel, and dilutes leakage into incombustibles. Use a pump to transfer to a tanker or a special collector for recycling or transport to a waste disposal site for disposal.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Leak emergency treatment: quickly evacuate the leak pollution area personnel to the safety zone, and isolation, strict restrictions on access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-service positive pressure respirators and anti-venom clothing. Cut off the source of the leak as much as possible. Prevent the flow of restricted spaces such as sewers and drains. Small leakage: Absorbed with sand, zircon, or other inert materials. It can also be rinsed with a large amount of water, diluted and placed in the wastewater system. Lots of leaks: build embankments or dig holes to house them. Sprayed water cools and dilutes steam, protects field personnel, and dilutes leaks into non-combustibles. Transfer the pump to a tank truck or special collector for recycling or transport to a waste disposal site for disposal.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
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