A negative net cell water flux indicates that the anode is removing more water than the amount generated by the reaction, as the contribution to the cathode gas flow is minimal in order to maintain the fully humidified condition. Since the amount of water being produced by the reaction is known, the cases with a negative net cell flux indicate the removal of additional excess liquid water that has accumulated on the cathode side. As these calculations depend on the anode pressure drop measurement, a calculation of the range of the net cell water flux for a single trial was performed using the potential range of the anode pressure drop, based on the standard deviation found for each stoichiometric point. The result of this calculation shows that the average possible range for the net cell water flux was ±0.006 g/min, with a maximum range of ±0.02 g/min found at the higheststoichiometric flow rate. For the following figures, the error presented is the standard deviation between the three trials performed at each investigated operating condition, which was found to more accurately convey the potential error of this experimental system