The concept of development is at its broadest a wide-ranging term and there are a number of ways in which planning is concerned with development. The term development also carries a number of different meanings for different actors involved in planning. Development maybe both an outcome and mechanism or process for planning and the term may be directed at physical, community, economic and environmental processes and outcomes. As such there is considerable linkage to be highlighted with a number of other key concepts included herewhich provide related insights to those covered here. In one sense the concept of development is as all-embracing as the concept of planning as discussed in Chapter 2 and for similar reasons,given that planning is concerned with managing change, much of which involves land and property development. The concept of development can be revealed to mean different things in planning practices and invokes not only the idea of physical change, but also the management of economic activity and wider processes that involve community interaction and support. Each of these three forms highlight the importance of the label for planners and others and the need for it to be unpacked and explained. Moreover these emphases or apphcations of the term development overlap or reinforce with each other, making discussion of the different interpretations even more necessary.