Every new advancement has advantages and disadvantages. Thesame is true of Artificial Intelligence. Machines that can perform certainjobs are becoming more and more common. But are they always thebest choice?Humans can become bored with uninteresting tasks. Once amachine is programmed to do something, it can be relied on to keedoing it with few errors. It doesn t need lunch and coffee breaks, and itdoesn't go home at night. Secondly, machines can be made to bephysically tougher than people. They can be built for harshenvironments like space or oceans where it is difficult for humans to goA third advantage is avatars who act as digital assistants. They savemoney on employing people to do customer service. They areprogrammed to give the most logical answer to questions.Moreimportantly, they don 't have the human moods and emotions that cancloud judger