The Asian American population is growing faster than any other major racial group. From 2010 to 2016, 42 percent of the 8.1 million people who came to the United States from a foreign country were from Asia. 38 percent came from Latin America, 8.6 percent from Europe, and 8 percent from Africa. For 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau said Asian Americans had the highest median annual income of all racial groups. The median income for Asians was $81,431, about the same as 2015. Pew said the U.S. Asian population is also better educated. About half of Asians 25 and older have a college degree. That compares to 30 percent among all Americans over age 25, Pew said. Along with education, the Pew study also noted a high level of English language skill among Asians. Seven of 10 Asians in the United States, ages 5 and up, speak English proficiently, the study said. U.S.-born Asian Americans are more likely to speak English well than foreign-born Asians
The Asian American population is growing faster than any other major racial group. From 2010 to 2016, 42 percent of the 8.1 million people who came to the United States from a foreign country were from Asia. 38 percent came from Latin America, 8.6 percent from Europe, and 8 percent from Africa. <br> For 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau said Asian Americans had the highest median annual income of all racial groups. The median income for Asians was $81,431, about the same as 2015. Pew said the U.S. Asian population is also better educated. About half of Asians 25 and older have a college degree. That compares to 30 percent among all Americans over age 25, Pew said. Along with education, the Pew study also noted a high level of English language skill among Asians. Seven of 10 Asians in the United States, ages 5 and up, speak English proficiently, the study said. U.S.-born Asian Americans are more likely to speak English well than foreign-born Asians