Swift Sports, Lismore, NSW, Australia) recorded instantaneous time at 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 m (timing was commenced when each subject passed through a dual-beam timing
gate positioned at their front foot). Flying 5 m was calculated as the time between the 5- and 10-m gates, whereas
flying 15 m was calculated as the time between the 5- and
20-m gates. Intraclass test–retest reliability for all sprint
performance variables examined was consistently r Q 0.90.
EMG of the VL, vastus medialis (VM), and biceps femoris (BF) was collected on the dominate leg during the isometric squat and all jumps. Disposable surface electrodes
(self-adhesive Ag/AgCl snap electrode, 2-cm interelectrode
distance, 1-cm circular conductive area; product 272; Noraxon
USA, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ) were attached to the skin over the
belly of each measured muscle, distal to the motor point, and
parallel to the direction of muscle fibers. A reference electrode was placed on the patella. The exact location of the
electrodes relative to anatomical landmarks was marked on
a sheet of tracing paper after the first testing session to ensure consistent placement in subsequent tests. Each site was
shaved, gently abraded, and cleansed with alcohol before
electrode placement to minimize skin impedance. Raw EMG