The controlling area and the cost center are mandatory fields.When the entries are made click on the “execute” button.The available test equipment of the cost center(s)will be displayed.On top of this screen there is an Excel button.Click on this button to export the list into an Excel file.The list opens as an Excel version.Click on the “Save” button to store the Excel file.The selection screen of the Demand List is very similar to the inventory list.The difference is that in addition there is a field for the month to be displayed.Click on the “execute” button to display all equipment that is to be displayed for the corresponding cost center(s)in the selected month.This list can be exported into Excel also.For the actual calibration use the transaction YQPMK.First enter the plant in most upper field.The SAP user ID is already prefilled.To start the calibration enter the equipment number in the corresponding field as highlighted in red.Then press the Enter button.The transaction will display the equipment description and the location in the “Techn.ID” field.The calibration date is defaulted with the current date and the next calibration date is calculated based on the calibration cycle with the last day of the corresponding month.If the calibration date should be different then manually change the first field and press the Enter button.The next calibration date will be adjusted automatically by the transaction.If the calibration was successful click on the following button:An information message is displayed at the bottom.The screen changes in the way that both the equipment and techn.ID field are erased.The equipment just calibrated is displayed in the information box on the right.If the equipment was calibrated under condition then enter a comment in the “Insp. comment” field.Then click on the following button:The information message is displayed:If the equipment could not be calibrated successfully then enter a comment in the “Insp. comment” field and click on the following button:The following information message is displayed:Where the user status can be found and what it means is described under 5.3.4.For conditional calibration or when calibration was not ok the inspection comment is mandatory.When the field is empty a pop-up will appear.In this section different possibilities are described how to get additional information.The worklist provides an overview of the existing test equipment.It is started with the transaction IH08.In the selection screen first enter the equipment category “Q”.Then scroll further down and enter the maintenance plant.It is 1070 for Berlin…… or 5555 for La Rochelle.Then scroll down to the bottom of the selection screen.In the “Layout” field enter “/IOL_LAYOUT”.Then click on the “Execute” button:It will now take some time to select the data.Then the list of test equipment is displayed.The list can be sorted, filtered or exported to Excel.In order to display the details of the equipment make a double click in the first column on the equipment number.As described under 5.2.3 inspection comments need to be entered for equipment that was conditionally calibrated or rejected.In order to display the comments start the transaction QE53.A selection screen opens.In the screen enter the equipment number as highlighted in red.The inspector is defaulted with the current SAP user but can be changed.A list with the available calibrations opens.Expand the entry next-to-last and click on the four digit number.Directly leave this screen by clicking on the “Back” button.In the next screen switch to the tab “Summarized” and there click on the button “Further details…”.A pop-up opens where finally the comment can be found in the field “Short text”.As described under 5.1.2 documents can be attached to the test equipment.If one would like to open these documents following steps need to be done.