Guangzhou Ocean Pass Electronics Factory was established in 2006, the new factory is located in Dongguan City, Houjie Town, Fumin Road Industrial Zone, has more than 10 years of production of a variety of mobile phone batteries, mobile phone tempering film, headphones and a series of electronic products history, customers throughout the world, including the United States, European countries, Brazil, Southeast Asia and other places.<br>Our factory now mobile phone batteries and mobile power tempering film and so on a series of products are used in the most advanced automatic production equipment machine line production workshop produced, we for each part is the use of the highest-end parts and imported parts manufactured, each product produced we are through strict refinement of high-end products, we want to ensure that every product quality is stable and consistent, while using a precision magnifying glass to carry out all tin points and parts of the docking robustness inspection, So our product quality is to go through machinery and equipment with manual testing qualified out, our products are in good faith to promote development, people-oriented customer first for business purposes, strict control of product quality, to provide customers with first-class products.