אַוואַליזאַציע זאָל אָבהשפּעה אַן אידענטיקאַלישע אַנדערש ענדערונגען, לויט די פּאַראַקטאַלן פֿון אַנדערש מענטשן צו evaluירן, מיט אַ װאָריזאַטישע פֿון היעראBecause each person has different intelligence and ability factors, it is necessary to formulate differentiated and diversified norms to evaluate their different intelligence and ability. There are also differences in the development level of each person. Therefore, the norms of evaluation should be divided into different levels, pay attention to the different needs of their development, base on their recent development area, and promote their improvement in the original level,אַנשטאָט ניט דערמעגלעך די זעלבן הײך װי אַנדערע<br>