The isolation switch is also a common switching appliance in power plants and substations, which needs to be used in conjunction with circuit breakers. Because of its non-arc-breaking device, it cannot be used to turn on and cut off load current and short-circuit current. <br>The working feature of the isolation switch is that in the case of voltage, no load current, the separation and integration circuit. Its main functions are: <br>(1) Isolation voltage: When overhauling electrical equipment, the isolation switch will be provided with the installation of the service and the supply voltage isolation to ensure the safety of the maintenance.<br>(2) Reverse operation: put into the backup bus or bypass bus and change the mode of operation, the common isolation switch with the short-circuiter, co-operation to complete<br>(3) Sub, joint small current: because the isolation switch has a certain degree of fraction, small current and capacitive current capacity capacity, it can generally be used to carry out the following operations: fraction, lightning arrester, voltage transformer and empty carrier bus; <br>Compared with the short-circuit erstal, the isolation switch is the same as the item of rated voltage, the choice of rated current and the short-circuit stabilization and thermal stability check. However, since the isolation switch is not used to turn on and cut short-circuit current, there is no need to verify the power-off flow.