The main nutrients of sugar cane juice: the <br>high nutritional value of sugar cane, which contains more moisture, which accounted for 84% of sugar cane. <br>The most abundant sugar cane, which is sucrose, glucose and fructose content of up to 12%. <br>Furthermore, scientific analysis, sugarcane further contain other substances needed by the body, such as protein <br>0.2 g, fat 0.5 g, 8 mg of calcium, phosphorus 4 mg, 1.3 mg of iron. In addition, <br>sugar cane further comprising aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, alanine and other beneficial <br>amino acids, as well as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin C <br>and the like. Iron content in a variety of fruit in sugar cane, dominating the "champion" the throne. Sugar cane <br>into juice, does not destroy or more nutrients and taste better, it is a good choice.