People have a process, from imperfection to perfection, from shortcomings to gradual perfection, we will always go through this stage. The difficulty lies in being afraid of contacting new things and fearing the unknown. We can’t always live in a comfort zone. One day we will grow up and become people like our parents. So from now on , We should actively accept the challenge from the unknown, do not be timid or retreat, just keep fighting and hard work, and become the person we want to be in the end. This is what I learned from this course, from our What we understand in teamwork. So, overall, team work is really a good experience. Workshow is a very good format. I hope that there will be more opportunities like this in the future. Anyway, there will be a lot of opportunities like this in the future. Experience in advance is right. For me, it may not be a good thing. All I can do is to enjoy the process, to enjoy the happiness in the process, and to find a better self.