The in uitro hydrolysis of aspirin in dilute blood andserum shows significant inter- and intraspecies variability,probably due to differences in the aryl esterase activity(10). A t 25' the half-life of aspirin in serum diluted 30times is 8.1, 12.6, 13.1,14.7, and 23.3 hr in the rat, rabbit,cat, human, and dog, respectively. Thus, the hydrolysisrate of aspirin in human serum is comparable with that inthe rabbit and the cat, while rats and dogs are a t the extreme ends of the range. In human blood diluted 30 times,the half-life is calculated to be -10 hr a t 25'.Significant variations have been observed in the hydrolysis rate of aspirin in serum of different human individuals (10). In human blood or plasma, diluted by 10%with aspirin in isotonic saline, the hydrolysis of aspirinfollows apparent first-order kinetics at body temperaturewith half-lives of 32 and 66 min in blood and plasma, respectively (13).
The in uitro hydrolysis of aspirin in dilute blood and<br>serum shows significant inter- and intraspecies variability,<br>probably due to differences in the aryl esterase activity<br>(10). A t 25' the half-life of aspirin in serum diluted 30<br>times is 8.1, 12.6, 13.1,14.7, and 23.3 hr in the rat, rabbit,<br>cat, human, and dog, respectively. Thus, the hydrolysis<br>rate of aspirin in human serum is comparable with that in<br>the rabbit and the cat, while rats and dogs are a t the extreme ends of the range. In human blood diluted 30 times,<br>the half-life is calculated to be -10 hr a t 25'.<br>Significant variations have been observed in the hydrolysis rate of aspirin in serum of different human individuals (10). In human blood or plasma, diluted by 10%<br>with aspirin in isotonic saline, the hydrolysis of aspirin<br>follows apparent first-order kinetics at body temperature<br>with half-lives of 32 and 66 min in blood and plasma, respectively (13).