The Examples section is the heart of the post because it gives examples of what the output NC code is supposed to look like. The example keywords all start with ex_. Everything that is programmed in ESPRIT has a corresponding ex_ keyword in the post.The structure used in the Examples section is:ex_KEYWORD : NC Code FORMATThe format of the NC code is given to the right of the colon(s). There are several different types of codes used to give the NC format. Three of the most important types seen in the Examples section are: symbolic codes, symbolic switches, and formatable codesSome examples produce a single line of NC code. A typical arc move may look like this:ex_Circle : N G17 CircleDirection* X Y I* J* FOther examples may generate several lines of NC code like this tool change example:ex_OtherToolChange : ToolChangeComment : N T M06Symbolic codes used in the Examples sectionSymbolic switches used in the Examples sectionFormatable codes used in the Examples section