According to the authors’ opinion, the best strategy in design should follow a specific order that starts from individual knowledge and gradually increase the need of information from external sources. In other words, the problem analysis tool hereby proposed should have the capability of assisting the user in the exploitation of his/her competences during the solving process (problem driven strategy). Moreover, when the design space depicted by the designer does not provide any successful result, the CAIPS system should drive the user in its widening by enriching it with external knowledge. Relevant information should be first searched in a close field of application, since also experts not necessarily fully master their own domain (knowledge driven strategy); then, the search should be extended to completely different domains of technical knowledge where similar problems have been already solved with success (information driven strategy). Still keeping the goal of maximizing the efficiency of the innovation process, such an information search must be performed as automatically as possible by the computer system and should require minimal efforts from the designer.