According to Luhmann's social system theory, social system is autopoietic. Thesurvival of system is the result of the interactions between the system and itsenv ironment. The survival of translation system relies on the resultant of autonomyand heteronomy of translation. A domesticating strategy is bound to the system itself,whilst a foreignization strategy can be seen to relate more closely to the system'senvironment(Stefan Baumgarten, 2013, P143). The author will firstly explain thereason why a domesticating strategy connect to system itself or the autonomy ofsystem. In this section, our focus is on the autonomy of translation system. In fact,the autonomy of translation put emphasis on the inside of translation system. Fromthis sense, the autonomy of translation refers to the mechanism which is close totarget culture, a series of prior translational operations that are in accrodance with therule of target culture. In this situation, the translation system will concentrate on thefactors within the target text system.