3. Job Enlargement Job enlargement is when additional tasks are added to the job without increasing the level of responsibility or skill. Job enlargement may be viewed positively by employees when it reduces job boredom by increasing the variety of tasks assigned. In other cases, employees may view this job design negatively if they perceive they’re doing more work without a corresponding increase in pay.4. Skills Training Skills training provides employees with specific information that is needed to do their jobs. In some cases, skills training is job-specific: for example, to teach accounting staff how to use new accounting software, or to provide a software engineer with training in a new language that will be needed to develop a product. Training in soft skills is often used to assist employees; for example, training on meeting management might be provided to reduce the amount of time spent in meetings and make them more productive. Training for communication and time-management skills are other examples of soft skills training. Another type of skills training is provided for employees who are moving into supervisory or management positions for the first time.