AAPI Migration:Huan picked up work related to create theviews for UPSELL offers on the new buy-boxmodule. Huan had to understand G2S2 andhe took his understandings into a working solution for a critical piece of the AAPImigration. He worked with senior engineerson the sign-off, unit tests, etc. This was thefirst of the view implementations and Huanlaid out a lot of the ground work to beapplied to other views created after.More recently, Huan has also ownedcreating ITs for the ES marketplace toensure quality and consistency whendeploying changes through our Datapathpipelines."Huan did this enthusiastically and reallycommitted to making sure everything thatwas being done made sense and was easyto follow. We definitely would have had aharder time asking the rest of the team tomake the subsequent view templatechanges if Huan did not do this." -- Peer