GeneralThe information to be marked on the parts and assemblies are given by the order, part list ordrawing. They allow a unique link between the parts and the quality documentation requestedduring manufacturing and the follow up/replacement of the parts installed in the turbine.If not specified on the drawing, the information marked on the part are in the order:1) GE identification number (if applicable and indicated in the part list))2) GE order number3) GE part list/drawing number4) Melt number5) Weight6) GE material designationNOTA: material designation will be the reference of GE material specification such asSTV M23001For small parts, the information to be marked on the part may be limited to:1) GE part list/drawing number2) Melt number3) GE identification number (if applicable and indicated in the part list)The identification marking shall always be visible on the part; if during manufacturing, it isremoved, it shall be transferred to its final location possibly by using temporary marking. Suchtransfer shall be part of the manufacturing process plan.