Abstract—Our project is basically a moreeasy way to book tickets for the movieprovides an interface for users to manage amultiplex ticket booking process. On the frontend we have used PHP and SQL Server on theback end of mine. Project continuity,reliability and most importantly, to ensure theaccuracy of the information fed into thedatabase verification provided with welldesigned forms of income through the scene.The project has been successfully developedand the system performance is foundsatisfactory. Any placement firm, as requiredby safety covers. The use of computers in nonproductive tasks helps users to reduce wastedtime. This immediate access to furtherinformation as well as effectively helps usersto share limited resources.User-friendly menu-driven interface for theuser to interact with the system have beenprovided. Users access rights users haveinstalled provided can cross through thewebsite. Users can then use the services of thewebsite via a registration form can registerthemselves. The system is currently running atAudi are designed for watching movies andwatching movies, while it also offers combopack, which provides an integratedenvironment for customers.