Information asymmetry refers to the agreement that one party knows and the other does not know that the third party is usually unable to verify, or that verification costs are high. Information asymmetry includes information asymmetry between underwriters and issuers, and information asymmetry between issuers and investors, which will have an impact on IPO price suppression. Because the company issuing shares does not have a full understanding of the securities market, the probability of success of their own listing is not fully sure, so they choose to let the underwriters issue their own shares. The underwriter has more information about the securities market, and he will deliberately lower the issue price in order to successfully issue the stock, leading to an IPO price. There are various uncertainties before the issuance of new shares, the more factors, the greater the impact, the greater the risk of the issue, underwriters in order to avoid risk will be in the pricing process to lower prices.