Obesity is defined as the excess accumulation ofvisceral adipose tissue [1] because of a lack of exerciseand improper food habits. Visceral fat accumulation is amajor risk factor for the development of several diseases,including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension andarteriosclerosis. Therefore, stimulation of lipolyticactivity in adipose tissue or inhibition of fat synthesis isone way to prevent these serious diseases. For example, adietary fiber, gum arabic, helps reduce body fat depositionby enhancing fat utilization in adipose tissues [2]. Higherlipolytic activity may be related to the higher expressionlevel of beta 3 adrenaline receptor (ADRB3) in visceraladipose tissue. ADRB3 is, in fact, believed to contributeto the development of obesity [3]. On the other hand,the lipid composition of animal cells is controlled bySREBPs, transcription factors released from membranesby sterol-regulated proteolysis [4]. SREBPs are alsoknown as a master regulator that participates in insulinresistance [5].