What are you reading about in thatscience magazine? There are severalinteresting articles on recent scientificbreakthroughs. I just finished readingone about cloning. I'm not sure I like theidea of that. I don't want people to copyme or other people.It could be veryconfusing. According to the article, youhave no real need to worry.Researchnowadays is focussing on cloning parts ofa human body to replace damaged or lostparts, not on recreating a whole human.In the future, that could be possible. Inthis article, scientists say that if you tookthe genes from someone and tried tocreate a copy of a person, there's noguarantee that the copy would look oract like the original. Really? What elsehave you discovered? I read about howscientists are using material from plantsand animals to create new medicines.For example, an animal might be immuneto a disease that affects humans. So,scientists find out why it's immune andrecreate that immunity for humans. That'sgreat, because it uses natural materialsrather than ones that scientists makethemselves. I prefer natural remedies toman made ones.