For the flue gas expansion joint:<br>1, attachment is our supplier on the expansion section of a design plan, whether available please comment.<br>2, Our internal technical staff to discuss the views: First, for the heavy smoke and high temperature L078B012 (KL710-PK790/KL711-PK791) 2, L079B011 (PK790-MC720/PK791-MC721) 2, L072B001 (M) (MC720-PK720/MC720/MC720-PK720) 2, a total of 6 out-of-plan productions. L082A001 (H), L080A003 (A4), L080A003 (A3), L080A003 (A2), L080A003 (A1), L070B011, L075B010 (F), L076B011 (A) a total of 13, i.e. in the form of 2 thoraco.