If you want to buy a bike but don't want to buy it too expensive, you can go to my second-hand shop. Definitely cheaper than other stores! Look at the bike below. The matching color of appearance is blue and white, which makes it look beautiful. The design of the front of the car is also in line with the aesthetics of most people. The seats are also imported from abroad, so that you won't feel uncomfortable riding on bumpy roads. In terms of performance, it is also excellent. Its shock absorption allows you to ride on the rugged mountain road. The most important thing is that it looks as good as new. As mentioned above, I have only been riding this car for a few months, so there are no obvious big scratches on the surface and the performance is not weakened. Enjoy the lakes and mountains, and enjoy a better life by riding! What are you waiting for? Now, you only need 788 to buy and provide you with one-year after-sales service, and solve all the problems on your car. Come and buy it, and enjoy the hardships!