It will be noted that the same items are checked each quarter. Of course, the goal is "Superior" or "Strong" in each type of work checked. These checks are the basis for individual conferences between instructor and student and become one of the reference records used by the Placement Director in determining the fitness of a student for a particular job.As soon as a student is marked "Superior" in any phase of the work, she is no longer assigned to that type of work except on her own request. Every attempt is made to round out a student's training and to avoid exploitation of the few best students. Those who bring work to the department to be done are kept informed that the work is done by students in training, and although every attempt is made to turn out the best possible work, nevertheless the student who is available is given the job to do. This does not mean that beginners are assigned difficult work beyond their ability. Certain more difficult assignments such as copy for manuals, programs, tickets, forms and blanks and the like are given to advanced students only, but among these advanced students, no distinction is made in assigning work and all students strive toward the goal of ability to handle any assignment,regardless of its difficulty.