Climate analysis of sericulture production in Gaoxian County<br>Xiao Ling<br>(Gaoxian Meteorological Bureau, Gaoxian County, Yibin, 645154)<br>Based on the meteorological data of Gaoxian county from 1989 to 2018, the relationship between temperature, moisture, light and other meteorological elements and mulberry growth and development was analyzed, and the impact of major climate disasters on the growth and development of mulberry trees was analyzed. It was concluded that the climatic conditions in Gaoxian county were conducive to the growth and development of mulberry trees and suitable for mulberry planting and silkworm rearing. The climate conditions in spring are the most suitable, followed by summer and autumn, and 4-5 batches of silkworm can be raised annually, which can avoid the period of low temperature, continuous rain and high temperature in summer, so as to reduce the impact of meteorological disasters on mulberry planting and silkworm rearing.<br>Key words: Sericulture climate conditions<br>