Before the connection is blasted, a phosphated coupon shall be blasted using the aforementioned operational requirements to determine if the parameters are appropriate. Start with an intensity of approximately .007. It should take approximately 1 minute to remove the phosphate from both sides of the phosphate coupon. If the surface appears to have been excessively dented, then the intensity should be reduced. If the coating has not been removed within 1 minute, increase the intensity slightly. Prior to phosphate coating removal, all threaded areas shall be thoroughly cleaned to ensure that the surface is free of oil, grease and other foreign matter. The connections should be blasted at the proper angle and intensity to ensure uniform and complete removal of the phosphate coating. Remove the connection from the unit and inspect. Upon completion of the abrasive blasting process, the connection should have an appearance similar to a standard blasted surface. The surface shall be visually inspected to ensure that all phosphate coating was removed from the threads, sealing areas and shoulders. Any residual phosphate coating shall be removed.