Among primitive tribes, who move in smaller groups andmust conform closely to the dictates of their environment,the modifying effects of people and land through which theypass are conspicuous. Ratzel describes the gradual withdrawal of a Hottentot people from western Cape Colony farinto the arid interior before the advance of Kaffirs andEuropeans by saying: "The stock and name of the Namaquaswandered northward, acquiring new elements, and in courseof time filling the old mold with new contents. Thisis the typical result of such primitive movements. Themigration of the Delaware Indians from an early homesomewhere northwest of the Great Lakes to their historical habitat between the Hudson and Potomac Riven wasa slow progress, which somewhere brought them into contactwith maize-growing tribes, and gave them their start in agriculture.The transit lands through which these great racejourneys pass exercise & modifying effect chiefly through theirculture and their peoples, less through their physical featuresand climate. For that the stay of the visitants is generallytoo brief.