2. Line art will reproduce best if provided in vector form, preferably EPS or SV.The thinnest line weight should be .5 pt. Labels on a figure should be 9 pt in thesame font style (italic, bold, etc.) as in the text.3. Alternatively, both photographs and line art can be provided as PDF files. Notethat creating a PDF does not affect whether the graphic is a bitmap or vector;saving a scanned piece of line art as PDF does not convert it to scalable line art.4. If you generating graphics using a TEX package, please be sure to provide aPDF of the manuscript with the TEX file of the graphic. In the production process, TEX-generated graphics will eventually be converted to more conventionalgraphics so the MONTHLY can be delivered in e-reader formats.5. For photos of contributing authors, we prefer photos that are not cropped tightto the author’s profile, so that production staff can crop the head shot to an equalheight and width. If possible, avoid photographs that have excess shadows orglare