Stage 3Developing Competency CatalogueDescription of activity: Once we have identified list of competencies, we then should develop competency catalogue. This catalogue documents key behaviors indicators of each identified competency.Key Activities Conduct behavioral event interview to identify behavior indicators of competency to be analyzed. Define the competency with a description which includes the previously identified behavior indicators Scale each identified behavior indicators into a clear progression from lower to higher levels of performance. This scale displays a logical accumulation of competencies as a person move to higher level. o There are four dimensions to be considered when creating progression levels of competencies:1. Intensity of the intention involved or completeness of action taken to carry out an intention.2. Complexity in taking more things, people, data, concepts or causes into account.3. Time horizon in seeing further into the future, and planning or taking action based on anticipation of future situations4. Breadth of impact on the number and position people affected; or the size of the problem addressed