We have from our side no interest in delaying any orders, and also nothing to win from not shipping on time. if the customer loses the order, it is also a loss for ourselves. If we do not ship, we do not make money either, I hope this is clear to everyone. We are always pleased to hear that a project is going to be realized with our goods since this makes an additional reference for us.Regretfully, in this case, we are not going to receive the required raw materials on time from our own supplier, they informed us yesterday morning that there weresome technical issues at their end.All orders for these references are now being delayed to this, for several customers woirldwide.We do respect and value the cooperation with Shanghai Xunfan, and sure we look forward to working more together with this customer, but this situation is out of our own control. So while we certainly have a lot of understanding for the difficult situation in which this is placing the customer, we hope for some understanding too.Annelies has explained you yesterday, we are not able to put a firm date yet on when we can produce these goods next, it will completely depend from our own supplier.So very sorry but at this point we are not able to make any promise for production before end of June.