People in the critically ill group tended to have higher levels of ant的简体中文翻译

People in the critically ill group

People in the critically ill group tended to have higher levels of antibody-secreting cells early on their infection. In addition, the B cells and the antibodies they made displayed characteristics suggesting that the cells were being activated in an extrafollicular pathway. In particular, the cells underwent fewer mutations in their antibody genes than seen in a focused immune response, which is typically honed within germinal centers.The Nature Immunology paper was the result of a collaboration across Emory. The co-first authors are Matthew Woodruff, PhD, an instructor in Sanz's lab, and Richard Ramonell, MD, a fellow in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Emory University Hospital.
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
重症患者感染后,往往会分泌更高水平的抗体分泌细胞。此外,B细胞及其产生的抗体显示出特征,表明这些细胞正在通过卵泡外途径被激活。特别地,与在集中的免疫反应中观察到的相比,这些细胞在其抗体基因中发生的突变更少,这通常是在生发中心进行的。<br>《自然免疫学》论文是埃默里(Emory)合作的结果。共同第一作者是桑兹实验室的讲师Matthew Woodruff博士和埃默里大学医院的肺和重症监护医学研究员Richard Ramonell博士。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
People in the critically ill group tended to have higher levels of antibody-secreting cells early on their infection. In addition, the B cells and the antibodies they made displayed characteristics suggesting that the cells were being activated in an extrafollicular pathway. In particular, the cells underwent fewer mutations in their antibody genes than seen in a focused immune response, which is typically honed within germinal centers.The Nature Immunology paper was the result of a collaboration across Emory. The co-first authors are Matthew Woodruff, PhD, an instructor in Sanz's lab, and Richard Ramonell, MD, a fellow in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Emory University Hospital.<br>
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