Results This section describes the experiences of family members caring for a terminal ill person, and the support they received from informal and professional carers. In addition, difficulties and needs of family members are explored. The core category ‘vulnerability’ and a number of factors impinging on the caregiver’s vulnerability have been identified. These factors are described and illustrated by selected interview scenes (relationship with the patient and type of cancer are given between parentheses).Vulnerability Family members caring for a terminally ill person at home find themselves in a situation with a number of mental and physical burdens, which may cause caregiver fatigue and eventual burnout. This situation may make family caregivers vulnerable, in the sense of being more at risk of fatigue and burnout, notwithstanding their courage and strength. Continuous balancing between care burden and capacity to cope is required, like balancing on a tightrope. The core category ‘vulnerability’ is illustrated by a number of factors increasing or decreasing vulnerability (see Fig. 1).Vulnerability increasing factors Care burden, restricted activities, fear, insecurity, loneliness, facing death and lack of support are factors which may increase the caregiver’s vulnerability.