暑假里,我读了一本美丽的童话故事书——《小王子》。 故事讲述了一个对未知事物充满好奇心,而又有着一点点忧伤的小王子。他离开了他生长的小星球,的简体中文翻译

暑假里,我读了一本美丽的童话故事书——《小王子》。 故事讲述了一个对未

暑假里,我读了一本美丽的童话故事书——《小王子》。 故事讲述了一个对未知事物充满好奇心,而又有着一点点忧伤的小王子。他离开了他生长的小星球,先后访问了6颗小行星,遇见了国王、酒鬼、虚荣的人、点灯人和地理学家,最后来到了地球。这段旅行当中小王子收获了很多,也学会了怎么去爱。而我通过对这本书的阅读,也有了一点点的收获。 其实,在我们的生活中,就有着故事里的点灯人。比如每天天没亮就已经开始辛苦工作的环卫工人们,他们的工作又脏又累,但是他们没有抱怨过。还有每天在烈日下一遍遍重复着相同的指挥动作的交警叔叔们,虽然挥汗如雨,仍然坚持一丝不苟、非常认真地完成他们的工作。也许他们当中也有一些人曾经埋怨过,可当看到人们走在大街上发自内心的笑容时,又会忘却了之前的种种埋怨,再次投入到他们枯燥的工作中去。 “看东西只有用心才能看得清楚。”是啊!小狐狸说的这句话非常有道理。爸爸每天顶着大太阳骑车接送我上下学,都没喊过热。遇到下雨时,总是把伞往我这边打,就怕把我淋湿了……这一件件小事情,看上去也许微不足道、理所当然,但是如果我们用心去体会一下,你就会发现这都是父母对我们满满的爱啊! 上个暑假,我把这本书反复看了好几遍,每一次看都让我有不同的收获和感受。同学们,你们也可以去看看这本书,相信一定也会有所收获的。 《小王子》读后感4 读过《小王子》的人,都对书中小王子的小玫瑰印象特别的深刻,小玫瑰虽然是小王子星球里唯一的一朵玫瑰花,也拥有艳丽的身姿和漂亮的花瓣,但是小玫瑰过于骄傲,有时候有点虚伪,小玫瑰总是认为自己是宇宙中最美的花朵,她也很有信心的认为自己的美可以永远俘获小王子,她总是假装咳嗽,让小王子为她挡风,为她浇水,可是小王子还是走了。 虽然小玫瑰有很多的错,但是小玫瑰花只能假装淡定地接受了小王子要走的事实,在告别的时候,小玫瑰向小王子道了歉,小玫瑰假装自己很强大,告诉小王子自已有三根刺,可以防身了。其实小玫瑰是特别喜欢小王子的,所以她才总是对小王子提出很任性的要求,小王子走后,她才能真正冷静下来面对自己的感情。 曾经的小玫瑰花很任性,不懂得如何面对一番感情,小玫瑰花在爱的面前总是一味地索取,不知回报,为自己的虚伪,她还说了很多谎言。到最后谎言揭穿的时刻,曾经所有的美好都变成了残酷的骗局,即使这样的谎言里也有自己真诚的爱,小玫瑰都无法阻止小王子要离开的脚步。小玫瑰的殇,有一部分是自己咎由自取不懂得好好珍惜。 曾经的小玫瑰花不是那么的坚强,但是当这颗孤独的星球只剩下自己一朵花的时候,小玫瑰知道了自己也可以保护好自己,自己的茎叶
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
暑假里,我读了一本美丽的童话故事书——《小王子》。<br><br> 故事讲述了一个对未知事物充满好奇心,而又有着一点点忧伤的小王子。他离开了他生长的小星球,先后访问了6颗小行星,遇见了国王、酒鬼、虚荣的人、点灯人和地理学家,最后来到了地球。这段旅行当中小王子收获了很多,也学会了怎么去爱。而我通过对这本书的阅读,也有了一点点的收获。<br><br> 其实,在我们的生活中,就有着故事里的点灯人。比如每天天没亮就已经开始辛苦工作的环卫工人们,他们的工作又脏又累,但是他们没有抱怨过。还有每天在烈日下一遍遍重复着相同的指挥动作的交警叔叔们,虽然挥汗如雨,仍然坚持一丝不苟、非常认真地完成他们的工作。也许他们当中也有一些人曾经埋怨过,可当看到人们走在大街上发自内心的笑容时,又会忘却了之前的种种埋怨,再次投入到他们枯燥的工作中去。<br><br> “看东西只有用心才能看得清楚。”是啊!小狐狸说的这句话非常有道理。爸爸每天顶着大太阳骑车接送我上下学,都没喊过热。遇到下雨时,总是把伞往我这边打,就怕把我淋湿了……这一件件小事情,看上去也许微不足道、理所当然,但是如果我们用心去体会一下,你就会发现这都是父母对我们满满的爱啊!<br><br> 上个暑假,我把这本书反复看了好几遍,每一次看都让我有不同的收获和感受。同学们,你们也可以去看看这本书,相信一定也会有所收获的。<br><br> 《小王子》读后感4<br> 读过《小王子》的人,都对书中小王子的小玫瑰印象特别的深刻,小玫瑰虽然是小王子星球里唯一的一朵玫瑰花,也拥有艳丽的身姿和漂亮的花瓣,但是小玫瑰过于骄傲,有时候有点虚伪,小玫瑰总是认为自己是宇宙中最美的花朵,她也很有信心的认为自己的美可以永远俘获小王子,她总是假装咳嗽,让小王子为她挡风,为她浇水,可是小王子还是走了。<br><br> 虽然小玫瑰有很多的错,但是小玫瑰花只能假装淡定地接受了小王子要走的事实,在告别的时候,小玫瑰向小王子道了歉,小玫瑰假装自己很强大,告诉小王子自已有三根刺,可以防身了。其实小玫瑰是特别喜欢小王子的,所以她才总是对小王子提出很任性的要求,小王子走后,她才能真正冷静下来面对自己的感情。<br><br> 曾经的小玫瑰花很任性,不懂得如何面对一番感情,小玫瑰花在爱的面前总是一味地索取,不知回报,为自己的虚伪,她还说了很多谎言。到最后谎言揭穿的时刻,曾经所有的美好都变成了残酷的骗局,即使这样的谎言里也有自己真诚的爱,小玫瑰都无法阻止小王子要离开的脚步。小玫瑰的殇,有一部分是自己咎由自取不懂得好好珍惜。<br><br> 曾经的小玫瑰花不是那么的坚强,但是当这颗孤独的星球只剩下自己一朵花的时候,小玫瑰知道了自己也可以保护好自己,自己的茎叶
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
During the summer vacation, I read a beautiful fairy tale book - "Little Prince".<br>The story tells of a little prince who is curious about the unknown and a little sad. He left the small planet where he grew up, visited six asteroids, met kings, drunkards, vain people, lighters and geographers, and finally came to the earth. During this trip, the little prince gained a lot and learned how to love. And I have gained a little from reading this book.<br>In fact, in our lives, there are lighters in the story. For example, the sanitation workers who start working hard before dawn every day, their work is dirty and tired, but they haven't complained. There are also traffic police uncles who repeat the same command action again and again in the hot sun every day. Although they are sweating like rain, they still insist on completing their work meticulously and seriously. Perhaps some of them have complained, but when they see people walking on the street with heartfelt smiles, they will forget their previous complaints and devote themselves to their boring work again.<br>"You can only see things clearly with your heart." Yeah! What little fox said is very reasonable. Dad rode me to and from school in the sun every day without shouting. When it rains, you always hit me with your umbrella for fear of getting me wet... These small things may seem insignificant and natural, but if we experience them with our heart, you will find that they are full of love from our parents!<br>Last summer vacation, I read this book several times. Each time I read it, I had a different harvest and feeling. Students, you can also read this book. I believe you will gain something.<br>After reading the Little Prince 4<br>People who have read the little prince are particularly impressed by the little prince's little rose in the book. Although the little rose is the only rose on the little prince planet and also has gorgeous posture and beautiful petals, the little rose is too proud and sometimes a little hypocritical. The little rose always thinks she is the most beautiful flower in the universe, She was also confident that her beauty could capture the little prince forever. She always pretended to cough and asked the little prince to wind and water her, but the little prince still left.<br>Although little rose has many mistakes, little rose can only pretend to calmly accept the fact that the little prince is leaving. When saying goodbye, little rose apologizes to the little prince. Little rose pretends to be strong and tells the little prince that she has three thorns to defend herself. In fact, little rose likes the little prince very much, so she always puts forward very capricious requirements to the little prince. After the little prince leaves, she can really calm down and face her feelings.<br>Once the little rose was very willful and didn't know how to face some feelings. The little rose always asked for it in front of love and didn't know the return. She also told a lot of lies for her hypocrisy. At the last moment when the lie was exposed, all the beauty had turned into a cruel scam. Even such a lie also had its own sincere love. Little rose could not stop the little prince from leaving. Little Rose's sorrow is partly due to her own fault and doesn't know how to cherish it.<br>Once the little rose was not so strong, but when there was only one flower left on this lonely planet, the little rose knew that she could protect herself and her stems and leaves
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
During the summer vacation, I read a beautiful fairy tale book-The Little Prince. The story tells a little prince who is full of curiosity about unknown things and a little bit sad. He left the small planet where he grew up, visited six asteroids one after another, met kings, drunks, vain people, lamplighters and geographers, and finally came to earth. During this trip, the little prince gained a lot and learned how to love. And I have gained a little by reading this book. In fact, in our life, there is a lamplighter in the story. For example, sanitation workers who work hard before dawn every day, their work is dirty and tired, but they have not complained. There are also traffic police uncles who repeat the same command actions over and over again under the scorching sun every day. Although sweating like rain, they still insist on meticulous and very serious completion of their work. Maybe some of them have complained before, but when they see people walking in the street smiling from their hearts, they will forget all the previous complaints and throw themselves into their boring work again. "You can see things clearly only with your heart." Yeah! What Fox said is very reasonable. Dad rides my bike to and from school in the sun every day, but he doesn't shout overheating. When it rains, I always throw my umbrella at my side for fear that I will get wet ... These little things may seem trivial and natural, but if we try our best to experience them, you will find that they are all full of parents' love for us! Last summer vacation, I read this book several times over and over again, and every time I read it, I got a different harvest and feeling. Students, you can also read this book. I believe you will gain something. Reflections on The Little Prince 4 People who have read The Little Prince are particularly impressed by the little rose of the little prince in the book. Although the little rose is the only rose on the little prince's planet, it also has gorgeous posture and beautiful petals, but the little rose is too proud, sometimes a little hypocritical. The little rose always thinks that she is the most beautiful flower in the universe, and she is confident that her beauty can capture the little prince forever. She always pretends to cough, and lets the little prince keep out the wind and water her, but Although little rose has many mistakes, little rose can only pretend to calmly accept the fact that little prince is leaving. When saying goodbye, little rose apologized to little prince. Little rose pretended to be strong and told little prince that he had three thorns and could defend himself. In fact, Little Rose is very fond of the little prince, which is why she always asks the little prince to be willful. After the little prince leaves, she can really calm down and face her feelings. Once, the little rose was capricious and didn't know how to face some feelings. In front of love, the little rose always asked for it blindly and didn't know how to return it. She also told many lies for her hypocrisy. At the last moment when the lie was exposed, all the good things once turned into cruel scams. Even such lies have their own sincere love, and little roses can't stop the little prince from leaving. Rose's sorrow is partly due to her own fault, and she doesn't know how to cherish it. Once the little rose was not so strong, but when there was only one flower left on this lonely planet, the little rose knew that she could protect herself and her stems and leaves.
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