QUALITATIVE INFRARED ANALYSIS:MethodAn infrared spectrum of the material is t be obtained by means of aninfrared spectrophotometer. Instrument settings used in obtaining thespectrum are to be identical to those used in obtaining the original spectrumof the material referenced in this Procedure.Basis For AcceptabilityThe spectrum obtained shall indicate the same composition as thatrecorded in the spectrum obtained under the original investigation.THERMOGRAVIMETRY:MethodA thermogram of the material is to be obtained by means of a thermalanalyzer with a thermogravimetric module. Instrument settings used inobtaining the thermogram are to be identical to those used in obtaining theoriginal thermogram of the material referenced in this Procedure.Basis for AcceptabilityThe thermogram obtained shall indicate the same characteristic weightloss over the programmed temperature range as that recorded in the thermogramobtained under the original investigation.DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY:MethodA thermogram of the material is to be obtained by means of a thermalanalyzer with a DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) module. Instrumentsettings used in obtaining the thermogram are to be identical to those usedin obtaining the original thermogram of the material referenced in thisProcedure.Basis for AcceptabilityThe thermogram obtained shall indicate the same general thermalresponse over the programmed temperature range as that recorded in thethermogram obtained under the original investigation.