We ask that you review the article carefully for typographical or factual errors, verify author names, degrees, and affiliations, and proofread all tables and check any images. The Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Patricia Yoder-Wise, requests that if you are a registered nurse, the degree RN be included with your listed degrees and those of your coauthors. Please note, there may be spaces in some areas of text, and that these will be corrected by the editorial staff as the publication date nears.
We ask that you review the article carefully for typographical or factual errors, verify author names, degrees, and affiliations, and proofread all tables and check any images. The Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Patricia Yoder-Wise, requests that if you are a registered nurse, the degree RN be included with your listed degrees and those of your coauthors. Please note, there may be spaces in some areas of text, and that these will be corrected by the editorial staff as the publication date nears.