past bushes, to a deserted spot a halfmile from the house.There Ted foundhis beloved Brownie alive,one of hislegs in a steel leghold trap.Shocked,Ted now wished he'd taken Spotty'searlier appeals seriously.Then Tednoticed something quite unusual.Spotty had done more than simplyled Browni's human owner to histrapped friend.In a circle around theiniured dog,Ted found some dogfood and table leftovers which turnedout to be the remains of every mealSpotty had been fed that week!Spotty had been visiting Brownieregularly,seeking to keep his friendalive by giving up his o wn comfort.Spotty had evidently stayed withBrownie to protect him from enemies,cuddling with him at night to keephim warm and keep his spirits up.Brownie's leg was treated by a vetand he recovered.For many yearsthereafter,the two families watchedthe faithful friends playing togetherand running after each other downthat well-worn path between theirhouses.