6.4.1 (mandatory voltage tripping) the range of allowable settings in overvoltage trip function 2 (OV2) shall be 0.008 s to 0.16 s for all three categories, in Table 11, Table 12, and Table 13. 6.5.1 (mandatory frequency tripping) the range of allowable settings in overfrequency trip setting 1 (OF1) and underfrequency trip setting 1 (UF1) shall be 11 s to 1000 s for all three categories, in Table 18. (frequency-droop) for all aggregate DER ratings. For DER complying with Category III of Table 23, the frequency droop (k OF ) shall be adjustable from 0.0055 to 0.05 per-unit. For participating DER in Category III of Table 24, the lower value of the range of allowable settings of the open-loop response time is not applicable. Shall be capable of operating in Area EPS-connected mode, in intentional island mode, and transitioning between those two states.8.2.8 DER categories for intentional islandsA DER that participates in an intentional Area EPS island shall be categorized in one of the following ways: