1)SCOPE: This contract defines annealed, soft copper tapes to be used in cable manufacturing.2)CHARACTERISTIC OF COPPER TAPES;2.1. Copper tapes should be made of electrolytic copper.2.2. The conductivity of copper tapes at 20 °C should be minimum 58.00 MS/m or 100% IACS.2.3. Copper tape should be of uniform quality and supplied in form of coils in one continuous length without any kind of joints (no welds are accepted). The tape should be homogeneously annealed along the roll.2.4. The edge of tape should be very smooth. The tape shall be bright in appearance, have a smooth and shiny surface clean from indentations, pitting, scratches and free from discoloration and contamination such as oil, dirt, rust and the like.2.5. There should be no protrusion in the winding of the tape.2.6. The copper material must comply to EN 13599.