Students initially learn tonal patterns of at least two but not more than five pitches corresponding to important functions in a tonality. In major and harmonic minor tonalities, tonic function patterns include any combination of do mi so in major and any combination of la do mi in harmonic minor. Dominant seventh function patterns include combinations of so ti re fa in major and combinations of mi si ti re in harmonic minor. Rhythm patterns students initially learn are macro/ microbeat, division, and division/elongation functions in usual and unusual meters. Eventually, as students’ tonal pattern and rhythm pattern vocabularies expand, they realize a tonal pattern may be audiated with different contextual meaning in different tonalities. Likewise, a rhythm pattern may be audiated with different con- textual meaning in different meters. When students listen to and perform music, they recognize familiar patterns and give meaning to series of patterns regardless of whether patterns occur in familiar or unfamiliar order. This is not unlike recognizing and drawing meaning from familiar words regardless of their position in a sentence.